Trading Cards: 1993

Conan All Chromium Series I (Comic Images)

The Savage Sword of Conan images have been published in three Conan Chromium card sets by Comic Images. All were cover art for Savage Sword comics. They are identified by the card set reference and the comic reference.

Base set
27/#01Battle of the Walking Dead, Boris Vallejo 29/#09The Barbarian and the Sorcerers, Boris Vallejo 30/#12The Haunters of Castle Crimson, Boris Vallejo
31/#15The Devil in Iron, Boris Vallejo   32/#07Citadel at the Center of Time, Boris Vallejo
Prism set
  P3/#10Conan the Conqueror, Boris Vallejo  

National Lampoon (21st Century Archives)

This set mainly showcases National Lampoon cover art (although other art is included too) from 1970 onwards. Two Boris covers are included in the base set of 100 cards plus one more in the 10 card Sculptor-Cast chase set.

Base Set Sculptor-Cast chase set
87 December 1985National Lampoon, Dec 1985 cover 97 October 1991: Panty RaidNational Lampoon, Oct 1991 cover SC3 June 1986: She DevilNational Lampoon, Jun 1986 cover

Star Wars Galaxy (Topps)

The base set comprised 140 cards split into four subsets. The The Art of Star Wars set featured two of Boris' existing Coca Cola posters from 1980, one on each side.

71 frontThe Empire Strikes Back, Boris Vallejo 71 backThe Empire Strikes Back: Dagobah, Boris Vallejo

Page last updated: 2023-08-19