Books: Fantasy

Illustrator: Boris Vallejo
Text: Boris Vallejo
Size (hb): 31 x 24 cms
Publisher: Soleil Productions
ISBN-10: 2-87764-970-9
Published: January 2000
  Fantasy, book coverCover: Primeval Princes

The cover of this french book gives the title as Fantasy but the titlepage says Fantasy Art & Techniques. It is the french version of Fantasy Art Techniques and, apart from having french text, is almost identical to its english counterpart. The differences are as follows:

Once again, I have confined my attention to the paintings and preliminary artwork with a few sketches included where I deem it to be of interest.

010 Siren SongSiren Song, Boris Vallejo 013 Bursting OutBursting Out (1983), Boris Vallejo 014 Dragon Tattoo - detailTattoo, Boris Vallejo
015 Counterfeit LoverCounterfeit Lover, Boris Vallejo 016 Centaurs - prelimShe Centaurs - preliminary art, Boris Vallejo 017 VampireShe Vampire, Boris Vallejo
018 Isaac Asimov - prelimIsaac Asimov - preliminary art (unsigned), Boris Vallejo 021 Lavalite WorldThe Lavalite World, Boris Vallejo 022 WebWeb, Boris Vallejo
024 The Micronauts
The Micronauts, Boris Vallejo
025 Molly HatchetTake No Prisoners, Boris Vallejo 026 Full MoonFull Moon (1984), Boris Vallejo
029 In the Moons of BoreaIn the Moons of Borea, Boris Vallejo 031 White MagicThe Magic Goes Away, Boris Vallejo 032 Busch GardensThe Loch Ness Monster Lives, Boris Vallejo
033 Tree of DeathTree of Death (1979), Boris Vallejo 034 ColossusBerserker's Planet, Boris Vallejo 035 Lord of the WolvesThe Ginger Star, Boris Vallejo
036 The Red TerrorsThe Red Terrors, Boris Vallejo 037 The Mountain BeastThe Mountain Monster, Boris Vallejo 038 Sword FightWar of the Citadels, Boris Vallejo
039 AndroidCrisis on Citadel II, Boris Vallejo 040 Primeval PrincessPrimeval Princess, Boris Vallejo 043 At the End of the WorldAt the End of the World, Boris Vallejo
045 NubiansNubian Warrior, Boris Vallejo 046 Of Men and MonstersOf Men and Monsters, Boris Vallejo 047 The Last BattleLast Stand, Boris Vallejo
048 Iron WarriorConan the Wanderer, Boris Vallejo 051 Football HeroFootball Hero (righthand side), Boris Vallejo 052 TalismanBroken Stone, Boris Vallejo
055 GamesGames, Boris Vallejo 057 Gryphon's EerieGryphon's Eyrie, Boris Vallejo 058 The Victorious - prelim
061 The VictoriousConan the Victorious, Boris Vallejo 062 Never Say Never Again - prelimNever Say Never Again - preliminary art #1, Boris Vallejo 065 NJ Bodybuilding Championships sketchNJ Bodybuilding Championships - preliminary art, Boris Vallejo
067 The Dragon 1992 - prelim
Dragon belt buckle - preliminary art, Boris Vallejo
067 unknown designUnknown design - preliminary art, Boris Vallejo 071 Sagittarius, the ArcherSagittarius, the Archer, Boris Vallejo
072 Executioner - prelim 073 ExecutionerFour Wishes, Boris Vallejo 074 The Magnificent - prelim
075 The MagnificentConan the Magnificent, Boris Vallejo 076 Barbarian Queens - prelimBarbarian Queen - preliminary art, Boris Vallejo 077 Barbarian QueensBarbarian Queen (1985), Boris Vallejo
078 Dragon's BirthDragon's Birth, Boris Vallejo 080 National Lampoon's European Vacation - prelim 1National Lampoon's European Vacation - preliminary art 1, Boris Vallejo 081 National Lampoon's European Vacation - prelim 2National Lampoon's European Vacation - preliminary art 2, Boris Vallejo
083 National Lampoon's European Vacation - prelim 3National Lampoon's European Vacation - preliminary art 3, Boris Vallejo 085 National Lampoon's European VacationNational Lampoon's European Vacation, Boris Vallejo 087 King's DaughterThe King's Daughter, Boris Vallejo
089 Broken SwordThe Broken Sword, Boris Vallejo 091 SorceressConan the Freebooter, Boris Vallejo 093 Red AmazonWhen Hell Laughs, Boris Vallejo
094 InvictusEndithor's Daughter, Boris Vallejo 096 WildernessThe Chronicles of Amber, Boris Vallejo 097 Eternal ChampionThe Eternal Champion, Boris Vallejo
098 MercenaryMercenary, Boris Vallejo 099 AdventurerForces from the Federation, Boris Vallejo 100 Flying MenaceThe Web of Wizardry, Boris Vallejo
101 Space guardianThe Space Guardian, Boris Vallejo 102 Ice SchoonerThe Ice Schooner, Boris Vallejo 103 Witch and her FamiliarWitch and Her Familiar, Boris Vallejo
104 Heavy Metal - prelimHeavy Metal - preliminary art, Boris Vallejo 111 Heavy MetalHeavy Metal, Boris Vallejo 115 Female WrestlersFemale Wrestlers - 15th anniversary, Boris Vallejo
121 Chrome RobotThe Edge of Tomorrow, Boris Vallejo 122 CorkscrewCorkscrew, Boris Vallejo 124 Bar GirlBar Girl, Boris Vallejo
124 Bed DeathBed Death, Boris Vallejo 125 HatchettHatchett, Boris Vallejo 125 Ape's LandThe City, Boris Vallejo

Page last updated: 2024-10-16