Books: Index

Books and magazines featuring the artwork of, or by, Boris Vallejo ordered by date of publication. I have refrained, unless there is only one instance of these, from giving the ISBN or publisher since these vary from country to country and, indeed, edition to edition. Should you need this information I suggest you check at (or whichever regional page relates to you.)

Several books are not included in this list:

The first book only features adulterated images of Boris' artwork whilst the other three do not include any artwork at all so none of them warrant inclusion in this site.

Many of the books featured here include other illustrations: Boris at work, paintings in varying states of completion, very rough design sketches etc. Whilst doubtless of interest these are not within the remit of this site so have, except for a few instances, been omitted. In any case, I do not think the publishers would be very pleased at the wholesale reproduction of their products.

Finally a word about Collected Works: Boris Vallejo – this was a Friedlander Publishing Group (FPG) title which, if Amazon is to be believed, was published in June 1997. In fact publication was deferred beyond that date several times and FPG actually ceased trading before the final release date (December 1998) was reached which leads me to conclude that the book was never published (but the possibility exists that it was published as one of the other books listed below…)

Books / Magazines by, or about Boris
ID Year Title Artist(s)
Boris1 1978 Boris / Boris Volume 1 Boris
FABV 1978 The Fantastic Art of Boris Vallejo Boris
Stars 1978 The Boy Who Saved the Stars Boris
Boris2 1978 Boris II / Boris Book Two Boris
Poster 1979 Boris Fantasy & Space Poster Book Boris
Mirage 1982 Mirage Boris
MirageF 1982 Mirage (French) Boris
Diva 1983 Diva Boris
Enchant 1984 Enchantment Boris
FAT 1984 Fantasy Art Techniques Boris
WoB 1984 Worlds of Boris Mayfair Games
Ladies 1992 Ladies Boris
Portfol 1994 Boris Vallejo Portfolio Boris
BorisV 1994 Boris Vallejo Boris
Dreams 1999 Dreams Boris
ArtBV 1999 The Art of Boris Vallejo Boris
Fantasy 2000 Fantasy Boris
Titans 2000 Titans / Superheroes Boris / Julie
Mirage2 2001 Mirage (Enlarged Edition) Boris
Sketch 2001 Sketchbook Boris / Julie
TwinV 2002 Twin Visions Boris / Julie
TwinV 2003 The Art of Boris Vallejo & Julie Bell Boris / Julie
FW 2003 Fantasy Workshop Boris / Julie
Ult_Coll 2005 The Ultimate Collection Boris / Julie
FabFant 2006 Fabulous Fantasy Women / The Fabulous Women Boris / Julie
Imagstx 2007 Imaginistix Boris / Julie
Ult_Ill 2009 The Ultimate Illustrations Boris / Julie
Dland 2014 Dreamland Boris / Julie
Books / Magazines featuring Boris
1968 Fight the Enemy: October 1968 Boris
1977 The Micronauts Boris
1978 Future: July 1978 Boris
1980 Omni: October 1980 Boris
1983 Atlantis Boris
1991 Achilles' Choice Boris
2007 et seq Heavy Metal Tarot Card series. Boris / Julie
2015 Cigar Press: vol.VIII #I Boris

Page last updated: 2022-09-24